Γευσιγνωσία Ελαιολάδου Savantes - MODENA ITALY 2016

savantes2016The very good Spanish tasters at the Championship were most impressed with your FYLLIKON evoo. They had not tasted an olive oil with that flavour profile. As the Priego de Cordoba region produces some of the best olive oils in the world it is a great compliment from the expert tasters of that region..
Τιμή μας το εν λογω σχολιο.

24-26 / 2 /2016 ....SAVANTES --MODENA ITALY 2016

Sakellaropoulos Organic Farming
Delicate -- upmarket ---Balanced, complex, harmonious and persistent

Με ιδιαίτερη χαρά σας ενημερώνω για τα αποτελέσματα της επαγγελματικής κριτικής γευσιγνωσίας evoo ελαιόλαδων, SAVANTES 2016 που έλαβαν 3 (τρία) έξτρα παρθένα βιολογικά ελαιόλαδα μας.
Η ειδική γευσιγνωσία διενεργήθηκε από 24 έως 26 Φεβρουάριου 2016 στην πόλη Μοντενα στην Ιταλία από expert panel tasters και υπό την αιγίδα της ομάδας SAVANTES μαζί για πρώτη φορά με τους επαγγελματίες γευσιγνώστες της Ισπανίας από την φημισμένη περιοχή της Priego de Cordoba ( Spanish National Extra Virgin Olive Oil Team Tasters Championship).

Συμμετείχαμε με τα Φυλλικόν πρωτέλαιο,το Αρμονία evoo και το Αρμονικον.
Οι βαθμολογίες που συγκεντρώσαμε ήταν πάρα πολύ υψηλές, ενώ είναι εκπληκτικά τα flavor που "εντόπισαν" οι ειδικοί στα ελαιόλαδα μας και τα οποία σας συνιστώ να προσέξετε ,μιας και παρουσιάζουν την εργασία μας με λίγες εντυπωσιακές λέξεις.


Thank you for supplying your extra virgin olive oils for Savantes Modena and the Spanish National Extra Virgin Olive Oil Team Tasters Championship.

Here are your tasting notes.

Brand: FYLLIKON evoo by Sakellaropoulos Organic Farming
Packaging: Upmarket Tin
Style: Delicate
Flavour: Aromas of rosemary, roast capsicum, sun-dried tomatoes. Tastes of sun-dried tomatoes, creamy, slight cress vegetal heat, mild tannin with a raw artichoke heart and pinenut finish
Balance, harmony, persistence: Balanced, complex, harmonious and persistent.
Commercial evaluation: An outstanding differentiated olive oil adding flavour to delicate cuisine, fish, salads, desserts, cheese, pasta – everything.

Brand: ARMONIA evoo by Sakellaropoulos Organic Farming
Packaging: Upmarket Tin
Style: Delicate
Flavour: Aromas of rosemary, roast capsicum, sun-dried tomatoes, oregano. Tastes of dried herbs, sun-dried tomatoes, creamy, slight radish heat, mild tannin with a short raw artichoke heart finish
Balance, harmony, persistence: Balanced, complex, harmonious.
Commercial evaluation: A differentiated olive oil adding flavour to delicate cuisine, fish, salads, desserts, cheese, pasta – everything.

Brand: ARMONIKON evoo by Sakellaropoulos Organic Farming
Packaging: Upmarket Tin
Style: Delicate
Flavour: Fresh green herbs, basil, parsley and tarragon, sun-dried tomatoes. Tastes of sun-dried tomatoes, creamy, slight pepper heat, with a raw artichoke heart vegetal finish with slight tingling tannin.
Balance, harmony, persistence: Balanced, subtle, harmonious and persistent.
Commercial evaluation: A more delicate and subtle oil for use with delicate cuisine, fish, salads, desserts, cheese, pasta.
Again thank you for your support for Savantes in supplying your olive oils. Not only does your brand get publicity, also you fly the flag for excellent Greek extra virgin olive oils.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Savantes