AIPO D' ARGENTO 2021: 9 major olive oil awards

aipo d argento verona Competition 2021 top international italy evoo

A unique distinction of very high prestige, with the 1st place and 9 awards in total, was marked in Verona, Italy, for Sakellaropoulos Organic Farms, in the recognized international olive oil competition Aipo d'Argento 2021.

The 18th edition of the competition took place in Verona, Italy, from April 6 to May 13, 2021. It has become a national landmark in Italy and one of the most important olive oil competitions in the world.

The "Aipo d'Argento" was first held in 2004 and is organized by the Verona Interregional Olive Growers Association (Aipo) in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies.

Since 2011, the Aipo tasting panel has been officially recognized by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food (MIPAAF) to certify the quality of the olive oils produced, after a precise analysis and evaluation of their organoleptic characteristics exclusively by the method of analysis of the Olive Oil Council (COI).

Thus, the panel of specialized judges is characterized by reliability, as well as rigor and professionalism. After the preliminary chemical analysis of each olive oil, the panel of judges carries out the individual evaluation of each olive oil sample in four phases, carrying out continuous inspections until the final classification of the olive oils is created.

For 2021, a new record was set for the Verona competition, with over 610 olive oils from many olive-producing countries with a very high level of quality.

Sakellaropoulos Organic Farms were honored with extremely high awards and specifically:

1st place and the winning best olive oil Spicy Flavored - AIPO 2021
Two olive oils in the Best In Class Flavored Vegetale
• With 3 gold and 3 silver awards but also very high scores from the expert tasters of Aipo.

In particular, the 9 major awards in the organic gourmet olive oils of Sakellaropoulos Organic Farms in Verona for 2021 are:

MASTERPIECE Blend evoo - 1st place BEST Spicy Flavored
MASTERPIECE Blend evoo - GOLD Award 2021– 3 Quality Drops

Masterpiece Blend Evoo olive oil was named the best olive oil of all the Italian competition for 2021, in its category.

MAJESTIC Blend evoo - Best in Class 2021
MAJESTIC Blend evoo - Gold Award 2021 - 3 Quality Drops

OLEOASTRON Gourmet Evoo - Best in Class 2021
OLEOASTRON Gourmet Evoo - Gold Award 2021– 3 Quality Drops

SYLLEKTIKON Gourmet evoo - Silver Award 2021– 2 Quality Drops
Flavored Gourmet Enigma - Silver Award 2021– 2 Quality Drops
GEMSTONE Blend evoo - Silver Award 2021– 2 Quality Drops

aipo d argento 2021 top international olive oils masterpiece best flavored best in class


All these extremely high awards in Verona, Italy, are a special honor for Sakellaropoulos Organic Farms, with the top highlight being the olive oil Masterpiece Gourmet Evoo as the winner and Best Spicy Flavored Evoo of the competition for 2021.

This great distinction comes as a continuation of the respective 1st place of the olive oil Flavored Gourmet Enigma which won the 1st place in EVO IOOC Italy 2021 and the olive oil Oleoastron Gourmet Evoo, which won the 1st place of Japan in the Japan Olive Oil Prize 2021.

These nine (9) major international awards at Aipo d'Argento 2021 complete the unique number of 289 international awards for Sakellaropoulos Organic Farms worldwide, a record number for a Greek olive producer exclusively of their own olive products.

sakellaropoulos organic farms 2021 international competition 289 awards