Sakellaropoulos Organic Farms
Single Estate – Terroir since 1992


Extra Virgin Olive Oil Organic
Organic Kalamata Olives


Sakellaropoulos Organic Farms are situated near Sparta, Laconia, in an area where olive oil culture is predominant and where the olive tree is considered sacred. This area is famous for its ideal weather conditions and the exceptional natural environment (PGI - Protected Geographical Indication).

Our innovative olive products are Single Estate and the specialized methods used to produce them provide them with natural and unique characteristics, defining the “Sakellaropoulos Organic Farms” Terroir since 1992, promoting the term bio-functional foods for the first time in Greece.


High Phenolic

Organic Olive oil & Olives


With the emphasis being on all of our olive products, from the cold extracted first harvest olive oil and unripe olive oils, the premium extra virgin olive oils of limited edition, gourmet flavored olive oils, from the unripe and ripe natural Kalamata and green olives, the unsalted Kalamata olives with aromatic herbs to our St. John’s wort oil and the natural cosmetics with organic olive oil, Sakellaropoulos Organic Farms are cultivated to provide the raw material to unique, top quality and exceptional olive oils and olives rich in polyphenols.


Sakellaropoulos organic farms were honored for their olive oils with 1st place worldwide for 2018, 2019 and 2021, according to the world ranking of olive oils EVOOWR.

  • Bio Hellas Certified Organic Βιολογικά Ελαιόλαδα Ελιές
  • FDA USA OLIVE OIL OLIVES ελαιόλαδα ελιές
  • βιολογικοί Ελαιώνες Σακελλαρόπουλου Single Estate Terroir
  • βιολογικοί Ελαιώνες Σακελλαρόπουλου iso 22000 ελαιόλαδα ελιές
  • βιολογικά ελαιόλαδα ελιές σήμα ευρωπαική ένωση

For 2021, the table olives by Sakellaropoulos Organic Farms were awarded 1st place worldwide, for their exceptionally high polyphenol content.


The organic farming certification is provided by BIO – HELLAS, according to all European regulations regarding organic farming, with registration number A-411008.


In accordance to ISO standard 22000:2018, regarding Food Safety Management Systems, we apply quality control system HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points). Our facilities are approved by the Greek Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food, with reg. code EL 40 360. In addition, our company is approved and registered by the United States FDA (Food and Drug Administration), under the food facility number 15959229376. Also, our company is registered under the international REX system, concerning the Canada - European Union Trade Agreement, also valid for the United Kingdom, with reg. number GRREX0700A043710821 (see more).

There is a co-operation with nature that evolves daily with our cultivation which gives our olive products their distinct gourmet flavor and superior organoleptic qualities - the main purpose being the attainment of the highest quality, which has been honored with a unique record of 993 international awards at the most prestigious competitions worldwide.