A great success at an international level for Greece, with 14 awards in 14 participations for Sakellaropoulos Organic Farms, was noted in the TerraOlivo International Olive Oil Competition 2022.
This international competition took place in the city of Jerusalem in Israel from June 13 to 24, 2022. It has very high quality criteria for the selection and award of olive oils, applying evaluation standards according to the methods set by the International Olive Oil Council.
Due to the high degree of difficulty, it is ranked as the top competition of the Asian Continent and in the top 3 major global competitions, with the high score of 9/10, based on the EVOO World Ranking (EVOOWR).
The tasting of olive oils in TerraOlivo 2022 was carried out by more than 40 olive oil experts and panel tasters of international prestige from many different countries, exclusively with the method of blind tasting.
The very high degree of difficulty is complemented by the very large global competition and the number of participations, which for 2022 exceeded 650 olive oils, coming from many olive producing countries with a very high level of quality.
Sakellaropoulos Organic Farms participated in the international competition of Israel, TerraOlivo International Olive Oil Competition 2022 with fourteen (14) specialized organic - gourmet olive oils and were honored with the number of fourteen (14) awards in all their olive oil samples, collecting very high scores from the expert judges.
The organic and gourmet olive oils of Sakellaropoulos Organic Farms were awarded 5 Grand Prestige, 8 Prestige and 1 Gold awards. In detail, the awarded olive oils are:
MASTERPIECE Blend evoo - Grand Prestige Gold
Flavored Gourmet Enigma - Grand Prestige Gold
SYLLEKTIKON Gourmet evoo - Grand Prestige Gold
AGOURELAIO Early Harvest - Grand Prestige Gold
OLEOASTRON Gourmet Evoo - Grand Prestige Gold
MAJESTIC Blend evoo - Prestige Gold
TREASURE Blend evoo - Prestige Gold
GEMSTONE Blend evoo - Prestige Gold
ENSTAGMA Gourmet evoo - Prestige Gold
PLUS HEALTH Multivarietal Green - Prestige Gold
ENSTAGMA Saffron & Sage - Prestige Gold
PLUS HEALTH Multivarietal Blue - Prestige Gold
ENSTAGMA Saffron & Rosemary - Prestige Gold
ARMONIA Monovarietal - Gold
It is a remarkable distinction for a Greek olive producer, this reward from TerraOlivo IOOC 2022 of Israel, in a competition of global scope and high prestige, fourteen (14) top level awards.
This exceptional and absolute award of 100% in Israel is of international prestige, and at the same time it marks a distinction of a very high level in the field of olive growing for our country, Greece, our land, Sparta Laconia as well as for the course of Sakellaropoulos Organic Farms for the past 30 years.
Sakellaropoulos Organic Farms, with these outstanding results in Israel for 2022, complete the unique number of 558 international awards in recognized prestigious competitions around the world. This is a number that marks an evolving world record of awards for a Greek olive producer who cultivates, produces and packages exclusively their own organic olive products (Single Estate & Terroir organic producer).